

WFDF adds Ghana, Nigeria, Madagascar, Serbia, and Kyrgyzstan as member National Federations – WFDF WEB

以下、世界フライングディスク連盟の WEBページより

The World Flying Disc Federation (“WFDF”) is proud to announce that its Congress has approved the Ghana Flying Disc Association (GFDA), the Nigeria Flying Disc Association (NFDSA), the Malagasy Flying Disc League (MFDL), the Serbian Flying Disc Association (SFDA) and the Frisbee Federation of the Kyrgyz Republic (FFKR) as its newest national Members, increasing WFDF’s membership to 100 member National Federations (NFs).

“We are very proud to bring WFDF’s membership to 100 national federations, which represents a tremendous milestone for our International Federation,” commented WFDF President Robert “Nob” Rauch. “It is a testament to the universality of Flying Disc as a truly global sporting movement, especially under the highly restrictive conditions caused by the pandemic.”